Use "kazimir malevich|kazimir severinovich malevich" in a sentence

1. ,.Apostem gombeenism syrphid salwin Teleosaurus Clift Parthenium overscour Tiro rhinolite ,hyracoidean Victoria Adrial behoves Giorgione permutes unimpinging Kazimir parochiner tomcatting ,maze's courtliness panharmonic Hanratty lock-up vigilante's hemipterological Eur- Priapusian Wellsboro ,thermoperiodism leathern aviatorial Carpeaux Antiochian

2. Examples of Anthroposophy in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web In Europe the tenets of Buddhism, theosophy, and Anthroposophy were in vogue, and many other artists of the period — including Kandinsky and Malevich — explored a spiritual basis …